electrical engineering graduate jobs

using professional skills to solve a solution using a flow chart on a blackboard that could be used for graduate professional training

Development – Our Graduate Professional Training

Previously we have explored just how important it is to develop professional skills. As we know how crucial this can be, we enlist the services of New To Experts to help our team unlock their full potential. NTE provide world-class training which equips you with the knowledge you need to succeed.

Pic of new graduate recruit Ryan Clark infront of our Partner Electronics sign

New Graduate Recruit Q&A – Ryan Clark

As reports surface that the Coca-Cola company are acquiring Costa Coffee for an eye-watering £3.9 billion. We have acquired some new talent of our own here at Partner Electronics. Investing in the future, we’re delighted to welcome new graduate, Ryan Clark to the team. Today we are getting to know him better with a Q&A.